On Call and On a Roll


Reserve is a dreaded time for most crew. I guess it’s all in the attitude. What you put out you get back. This must explain why I have amazing reserve months. I LOVE the uncertainty of not knowing where in the world I will be tomorrow. It’s an unreal sensation. Tomorrow the much loved staff in crew scheduling decided I needed another round trip red eye back to Beijing.

After landing at 4 am from Beijing yesterday morning my mailbox bestowed upon me another service award. It uplifted my tired spirit. Who doesn’t like a little reward here and there? This acknowledgement was for Fly Guy service given on a delayed flight where the aircraft’s AC was not functioning on ground and the cabin temperature reached to a comfortable 104 degrees (40 degrees Celsius).

During this reserve month I will have the privilege to operate the first passenger super jumbo service from Athens in a few days.

I’ve been to Athens on vacation, but never on a layover. Usually this flight is only a turn around trip, which means a long day minus the night stop. Since this will be a promotional trip they need us all rested so we get to passenger there and skip work one way. We will spend 24 hours in Athens then conduct media tours before operating the flight back home. I’m being modest when I say I enjoy the attention that the big girl generates on these inaugural visits.

Being a part of these flights has landed my face on newspapers around the world and on the BBC and Skynews. Who said flying isn’t glamours!

  • A Fly Guy

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