The Vampire Diaries


An alternate title for this blog could be Vampire Diaries. It’s fitting since the only sunlight I’ve managed to encounter over the past few days was a slither of light penetrating the pair of black out curtains in my room. After arriving home at around 3 am Wednesday morning from Manchester I made the executive decision to keep my body on vampire mode and stay awake at night and sleep during the day. This would make me adjusted for my night flight to Beijing two days later. It worked pretty well. However, like a vampire, I missed out on day outings with my mortal friends. That’s a price you pay being globe trotter.

Touch down in Beijing and I was greeted with a big ole freezing bear hug stepping off the plane. I never knew -5 centigrade (around 23 for the Americans) could feel that cold. Guess I have thin skin as a result of my seven years of desert dwelling. Beijing’s airport (PEK) takes my award for the coldest international airport on the globe. Really China, first impressions do count and you’re not making a good one keeping the thermostat of your state-of-the-art terminal on deep freeze! I got a chuckle hearing the squeals and hollers from the thin skinned trolley dollies as they faced that arctic blast in the jetway. Beijing brought my first snowfall of the northern hemisphere winter season. See the view from my window…


Being snowed in (a light dusting of powder is classified as snowed in for Dubai people like me) has given me time to work on my new wordpress site soon to be online. I’m stoked about it.

One of the Chinese girls on my flight wrote me out a note in Mandarin that basically says I’m Buddhist (the Chinese word for vegan) so don’t feed me animal products! Going to go take that to lunch now and see if it works…

-A Fly Guy

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