Sending a whale to do the job of a minnow


Theoretically a passenger load of 130 for an aircraft that seats 489 is good for crew. In reality, it’s torture for me! Like watching paint dry for 13 hours. I need people to need me, to want me to do something for them so I can demonstrate how I’m such an accomplished air steward. Today on my flight to New York I would have needed to wake up passengers to give me a task to do. This is a rare sensation. When you work on the flashiest wings in the sky you get used to always having a full load. It was a rare occurring fog cover that caused at least 20 flight diversions that

Today on my flight to New York I would have needed to wake up passengers to give me a task to do. This is a rare sensation. When you work on the flashiest wings in the sky you get used to always having a full load. It was a rare occurring fog cover that caused at least 20 flight diversions that were to blame for the vacant seats.

Why so bored you ask? Well, look at the photo above. Our plane is the same as the whale in the back. The amount of passengers on today’s flight could have fit in the minnow in the front. So that little guy, the ever famous Boeing 737, usually has  3 or 4 cabin crew . We have 24, and if you do the passenger to crew ratio it came to around 6 passengers per crew. Out of 6, one would be awake which meant premium, private jet service for them! I found my two people to spoil and that’s what I did. The good news… LIVE FROM NEW YORK, IT’S WEDNESDAY NIGHT! (and I’m well preserved to enjoy it)

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